Ishibashi Lab

Featured Publications
Trajectories of neurodevelopment and opportunities for intervention across the lifespan in congenital heart disease
Sanz JH, Cox S, Donofrio MT, Ishibashi N, McQuillen P, Peyvandi S, Schlatterer S. PMID: 36752083 Child Neuropsychol. 29(7):1128-1154. doi: 10.1080/09297049.2023.2173162 -
Mesenchymal stromal cell delivery via cardiopulmonary bypass provides neuroprotection in a juvenile porcine surgical model
Sarkislali K, Kobayashi K, Saric N, Maeda T, Somaa FA, Bansal A, Tu SC, Ayodeji MA, Leonetti C, Hsu C, Li J, Vyas P, Kawasawa YI, Tu TW, Wang PC, Hanley PJ, Hashimoto-Torii K, Frank JA, Jonas RA, Ishibashi N. J Am Coll Cardiol Basic Trans Science Epublished DOI: 10.1016/j.jacbts.2023.07.002 September (2023) -
Defining Historical Control Group for Phase 1 Trial of Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Delivery through Cardiopulmonary Bypass in Neonates and Infants
Kobayashi K, Higgins T, Liu C, Ayodeji MA, Wernovsky G, Jonas RA, Ishibashi N. PMID: 35989537 Cardiol Young. 22:1-6. DOI: 10.1017/S1047951122002633 August (2022) -
The dose-effect of mesenchymal stromal cell delivery through cardiopulmonary bypass in a juvenile porcine model
Kobayashi K, Maeda T, Ayodeji MA, Tu SC, Chen A, Hanley PJ, Ishibashi N. PMID: 35952858 Ann Thorac Surg. 8:S0003-4975(22)01007-4. DOI: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2022.07.035 August (2022) -
Non-apoptotic caspases in neural development and in anesthesia-induced neurotoxicity
Sarić N, Hashimoto-Torii K, Jevtovic-Todorovic V, Ishibashi N. DOI: 10.1016/j.tins.2022.03.007 PMID: 35491256 Trends Neurosci. 45(6):446-458 June (2022) -
Impact of Cardiopulmonary Bypass on Neurogenesis and Cortical Maturation
Dhari Z, Leonetti C, Lin S, Prince A, Howick J, Zurakowski D, Wang PC, Jonas RA, Ishibashi N. doi: 10.1002/ana.26235 Ann Neurol. Vol. 90 Issue 6 Pages 913-926 (2021) -
Impact of mesenchymal stromal cell delivery through cardiopulmonary bypass on postnatal neurogenesis
Maeda T, Sarkislali K, Leonetti C, Kapani N, Dhari Z, Al haj I, Ulrey R, Hanley PJ, Jonas RA, Ishibashi N PMID: 31563487 Ann Thorac Surg 109:1274-1281 April (2020) -
Nitric oxide: An important contributor to neuroprotection during pediatric cardiac surgery
Ishibashi N, Jonas RJ PMID: 31987614) J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg pii: S0022-5223(20)30032-5 January (2020) -
Optocardiography and electrophysiology studies of ex vivo Langendorff-perfused pig hearts
Swift LM, Jaimes R III, McCullough D, Burke M, Reilly M, Maeda T, Zhang H, Ishibashi N, Rogers JM, Posnack NG PMID: 31762469 J Vis Exp (153) November (2019) -
Treatment with tetrahydrobiopterin improves white matter maturation in a mouse model for prenatal hypoxia in congenital heart disease
Romanowicz J, Leonetti C, Dhari Z, Korotcova L, Ramachandra SD, Saric N, Morton PD, Bansal S, Cheema A, Gallo V, Jonas RA, Ishibashi N PMID: 31331224 J Am Heart Assoc 8(15):e012711 August (2019) -
Cortical dysmaturation in congenital heart disease
Leonetti C, Back SA, Gallo V, Ishibashi N PMID: 30616953 Trends Neurosci January (2019) -
Developmental delay and congenital heart disease: Insights from a novel "artificial womb" model
Ishibashi N, Jonas RA PMID: 30782407 J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg January (2019) -
Application of a neuroscience research model to study neuroprotection in children with congenital heart disease
Ishibashi N, Jonas RA PMID: 30093155 J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg July (2018) -
Abnormal neurogenesis and cortical growth in congenital heart disease
Morton PD, Korotcova L, Lewis BK, Bhuvanendran S, Ramachandra SD, Zurakowski D, Zhang J, Mori S, Frank JA, Jonas, RA, Gallo V, Ishibashi N PMID: 28123074 Sci Transl Med 25;9 January (2017) -
Microstructural alterations and oligodendrocyte dysmaturation in white matter after cardiopulmonary bypass in a juvenile porcine model
Stinnett GR, Lin S, Korotcov AV, Korotcova L, Morton PD, Ramachandra SD, Pham A, Kumar S, Agematsu K, Zurakowski D, Wang PC, Jonas RA, Ishibashi N PMID: 28862938 J Am Heart Assoc 6(8) August (2017) -
Neurodevelopmental abnormalities and congenital heart disease: Insights into altered brain maturation
Morton PD, Ishibashi N, Jonas RA PMID: 28302742 Circ Res 120:960-977 (2017) -
Hypoxia diminishes the protective function of white matter astrocytes in the developing brain
Agematsu K, Korotcova L, Morton PD, Gallo V, Jonas RA, Ishibashi N PMID: 26412317, PMCID: PMC4690795 J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 151:265-72.e1-3 (2016) -
Anomalies of ventriculo-arterial connections and immature brain development
Ishibashi N, Jonas, RA PMID: 27587497 World J Pediatr Congenit Heart Surg 7:611-613 (2016) -
Minimally invasive percutaneous pericardial ICD placement in an infant piglet model: Head-to-head comparison with an open surgical thoracotomy approach
Clark BC, Davis TD, El-Sayed Ahmed MM, McCarter R, Ishibashi N, Jordan CP, Kane TD, Kim PC, Krieger A, Nath DS, Opfermann JD, Berul CI PMID: 26690060 Heart Rhythm 13:1096-1104 (2016) -
Novel association of miR-451 with the incidence of TEVG stenosis in a murine model
Hibino N, Best CA, Engle A, Ghimbovschi S, Knoblach S, Nath DS, Ishibashi N, Jonas RA MID: 26573748, PMCID: PMC4741205 Tissue Eng Part A 22:75-82 (2016) -
Prolonged white matter inflammation after cardiopulmonary bypass and circulatory arrest in a juvenile porcine model
Korotcova L, Kumar S, Agematsu K, Morton PD, Jonas RA, Ishibashi N PMID: 26228605, PMCID: PMC4567527) Ann Thorac Surg 100:1030-7 (2015) -
Congenital cardiac anomalies and white matter injury
Morton PD, Ishibashi N, Jonas RA, Gall V PMID: 25939892, PMCID: PMC4461528 Trends Neurosci 38:353-63 (2015) -
Effects of preoperative hypoxia on white matter injury associated with cardiopulmonary bypass
Agematsu K, Korotcova L, Scafidi J, Gallo V, Jonas RA, Ishibashi N PMID: 24488087, PMCID: PMC3992169 Pediatr Res 75:618-25 (2014) -
A comparison of the neuroprotective effects of alternative antifibrinolytic agents on primary cortical neurons
Lu Z, Korotcova L, Murata A, Ishibashi N, Jonas RA PMID: 24237885, PMCID: PMC4019727 J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 147:1939-45 (2014) -
Brain slice model for the study of white matter injury
Murata A, Agematsu K, Korotcova L, Gallo V, Jonas RA, Ishibashi N PMID: 23540655, PMCID: PMC3724768 J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 146:1526-33 (2013) -
White matter protection in congenital heart surgery
Ishibashi N, Scafidi J, Murata A, Korotcova L, Zurakowski D, Gallo V, Jonas RA PMID: 22247493, PMCID: PMC3288390 Circulation 125:859-71 (2012)