Institutional Review Board
The Institutional Review Board (IRB) is an independent, duly constituted committee comprised of Children’s National Hospital scientists and nonscientists and unaffiliated individuals with the expertise and diversity to review and evaluate human research activities and ensure that they are conducted according to the highest ethical standards. Committee decisions whether or not to approve studies are based on federal regulations and established ethical principles.
The Children’s National IRB has three committees and they are registered with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Human Research Protection (OHRP):
Committee A (IRB00003760):
Meets the first Tuesday of the month
Contact: EK Johnson, Regulatory Specialist III
Committee B (IRB00000414)
Meets the third Wednesday of the month
Contact: Kathy Seabolt, Regulatory Specialist III
Committee C (IRB00009016)
Meets the fourth Wednesday of the month
Contact: Aluel Mayan, Regulatory Specialist III

Chantel Bennett
- Regulatory Specialist I

Alicia Cook
- IRB Operations Manager

Billie Johnsson
- Regulatory Specialist II

Maryann Rossi, PhD, CIP
- Education and Accreditation Manager