Our People
Recruitment of New Investigators
The Children’s National DC-IDDRC services federally-funded and foundation grants. Junior faculty members who are applying for their first federal grant but are not yet funded are potential exceptions. New investigators are accepted into the DC-IDDRC through a multi-step process (see figure below):

- Prospective investigators submit a one-page summary of the project describing its relevance to intellectual and developmental disabilities research (IDDR) and the need for support from core services. Applicants must document current Institutional Review Board (IRB)/Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) approval if relevant, and will be requested to supply documentation of renewal of these approvals.
- The Executive Committee determines if the project meets Children’s DC-IDDRC criteria and warrants the use of one or more core facilities. If the project is approved for relevance to IDDR, the principal investigator on the project is notified and approved for core usage. In case of initial rejection by the Executive Committee, an appeal can be made to the DC-IDDRC director.
Executive Committee
- William Gaillard, M.D. – Co-Director, DC-IDDRC, Director, Animal and Human Imaging Core, Children's National Hospital
- Madison Berl, Ph.D. – Co-Director, Neurobehavioral Evaluation Core, Children's National Hospital
- Joshua Corbin, Ph.D. – Co-Director, Neurobehavioral Evaluation Core, Children's National Hospital
- Jyoti Jaiswal, Ph.D. – Director, Cell and Tissue Microscopy Core, Children's National Hospital
- Susan Knoblach, Ph.D. – Associate Director, Genomics and Bioinformatics Core, Children's National Hospital
- Hiroki Morizono, Ph.D. – Associate Director, Genomics and Bioinformatics Core, Children's National Hospital
- Anastas Popratiloff, M.D., Ph.D. – Co-Director, Cell and Tissue Microscopy Core, George Washington University
- John Van Meter, Ph.D. – Co-Director, Animal and Human Imaging Core, Georgetown University
- Paul Wang, Ph.D. – Co-Director, Animal and Human Imaging Core, Howard University
External Advisory Committee
Leonard Abbeduto, Ph.D.
Director, UC Davis MIND Institute
Tsakopoulos-Vismara Endowed Chair
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
School of Medicine UC Davis MIND Institute
Michael J. Friedlander, Ph.D.
Executive Director, Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at Virginia Tech Carilion (VTC)
Vice President, Health Sciences and Technology, Virginia Tech
Senior Dean, Research, Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine
Professor, Biological Sciences, College of Science, Virginia Tech
Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics, College of Engineering, Virginia Tech
Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine
Elizabeth Dykens, Ph.D.
Co-Director, University Center of Excellence on Developmental Disabilities
Professor, Psychology and Human Development
Professor, Psychiatry and Pediatrics, Vanderbilt University
Michael Robinson, Ph.D.
Director (MPI), Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center
Director, Training Program in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
Professor, Pediatrics
Professor, Systems Pharmacology and Translational Therapeutics
Children’s Hospital, Philadelphia University of Pennsylvania
Other National IDDRC Programs and Sponsors
Learn more about other IDDRC programs and sponsors in the United States.
- Center on Human Development and Disability, University of Washington
- Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center, Boston Children's Hospital
- Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center, Kennedy Krieger Institute
- Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center, University of Kansas
- Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center, University of North Carolina
- Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
- Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center, Washington University
- UC Davis Mind Institute
- UCLA Intellectual and Developmental Research Center
- Rose F. Kennedy Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
- The Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center (IDDRC), Baylor College of Medicine
- Vanderbilt Kennedy Center for Research on Human Development, Vanderbilt University
- Waisman Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison