
Research Administration

Children’s National Research Institute provides a centralized administrative infrastructure to support the research community and to ensure compliance with federal, local and private sponsor regulations, as well as terms and conditions. The office provides operational, managerial, human resources, regulatory, communication and training support for our faculty and staff.

Our Team

Kerstin Hildebrandt

Kerstin Hildebrandt, MSHS

  • Vice President, Research Administration
Adade Rochelle

Rochelle Adade

  • Operations Coordinator
Samarraie Natheer

Natheer Samarraie, MSPM

  • Operations Manager
Schlabach Nathan

Nathan Schlabach, M.A.

  • Project Manager
Umetsu Kenta

Kenta Umetsu, MS

  • Research Facility and Biosafety Director
Velez Gonzalez William Jose

William-Jose Velez Gonzalez, MS

  • Research Digital Communication Lead

Support Our Research

Philanthropy changes lives. This ambitious endeavor to improve children’s health requires the commitment of many partnerships. This includes city and corporate leaders and those willing to invest in the future we envision together.