About the Lab

CETI's Immune Testing and Characterization (ITC) Laboratory

Before investigational cell therapies are infused into patients, it is critical to ensure that these cells are safe and function as intended. This testing is performed by the Immune Testing and Characterization (ITC) Laboratory which performs tests that measure the types of cells in the final cell therapy product, the degree to which those cells might interact with cells from other people, and test whether the cells have any contaminants. Once the cells are infused, the ITC lab also works with the investigators of the clinical trial to measure whether the infused cells improve the immune response. The ITC lab also features cutting-edge flow cytometry, led by Flow Cytometry Core Director Christopher Lazarski, PhD.

Lab Members

Team Lead

  • Anushree Datar, MS, Cell Therapy Lab Lead (ITC)

Team Members

  • Madeline Terpilowski, BS, Cell Therapy Lab Associate II
  • Emily Reynolds, BS, Cell Therapy Lab Associate III
  • Christopher Lazarski, PhD, Staff Scientist III