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Genomics Core

We provide cost-effective support of research that incorporates genomics methods. We support all types of research, from basic science to T4 Translational studies. We also offer consults and expertise for project design and feasibility and/or cost assessments. Didactic and hands-on training to support efficient utilization of genomics technologies is also available.

The core is open to all investigators at Children’s National Hospital, The George Washington University and the GW School of Medicine & Health Sciences through the CTSI-CN, the DC-IDDRC, as well as external and/or non-academic institutions.

We utilize state-of-the-art equipment to provide the following services:

  • Isolation, Quality Control, PCR, Standard Genotyping:
    • DNA Isolation, Standard Genotyping
    • RNA Isolation, Size/Tape Station Analysis, Qubit/Spectrophotometer
    • Digital Droplet PCR/RT-PCR
    • Pippin HMW DNA Analysis
  • Protein Analysis:
    • Bead ELISA (Millipore)
    • Automated Western Blot (Wes)
    • Single, Multiplex, U-Plex ELISA (MesoScale)
  • Arrays:
    • mRNA/miRNA Expression Profiling (Affymetrix)
    • EPIC Methylation Array (Illumina)
  • Sequencing (Illumina):
    • DNA: Microbiome (16S) and Metagenomics
    • DNA: Targeted and T Cell Receptor (Illumina or Adaptive Technologies)
    • DNA: Exome, Whole Genome-de novo, SNV, SV, CNV, Fusion Analysis
    • RNA: miRNA, Targeted, Bulk  PolyA, Bulk Whole Transcriptome/Depleted
    • RNA: Single Cell/Single Nuclei, Spatial (10X Genomics)
  • Specialized Technologies:
    • BioNano Optical DNA Mapping
    • Oxford Nanopore Technologies
    • NanoString nCounter miRNA/mRNA/Protein Digital Counting
    • Combined Analysis for Structural Variant Detection/Fusion Analysis

Data analysis with standard or custom pipelines according to project specific requirements is also available through the CNRI Bioinformatics Core. 

Available equipment includes:

  • Sequencing and Genomic Optical Mapping: Illumina Sequencers: miSEQ,  NextSeq550, NovaSeq6000; Oxford Nanopore Technologies GridIon X5 Sequencer;  2 10x Genomics Single Cell Sequencing Controllers; 2 BioNano Zephyr Optical Mapping Scanners
  • Direct Digital Counting (miRNA, mRNA, protein) or Microarrays: NanoString Encounter GEN2 Digital Analyzer and automated prep station; Affymetrix GS3000 7G Scanner with Autoloader, 450 Fluidics system and workstation
  • Nucleic Acid Isolation, Sizing, Shearing and Assessment: Miltenyi Biotec gentleMACS Octo Dissociator with Heaters;   Kurabo Quickgene 810 nucleic acid isolation station; Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer and Tape Station; Qubit; Nanodrop 2000c Spectrophotometer; Blue Pippin-DNA Size selection system; Covaris S200 DNA Shearing System; Sage HLS HMW DNA Library system
  • Analysis of Proteins: Luminex-Magpix for single plex or multiplex magnetic bead ELISA; Biorad ChemiDoc Imaging System; MSD Quickplex SQ120 for single or multiplex MSD High Sensitivity ELISA; BioTechne Protein Simple WES automated Western Blot system 
  • RT-PCR: Quant Studio 7-PCR amplification system; Raindance ddPCR Source/Sense Stations for digital droplet PCR

To submit a project:

For questions or to obtain project info contact:

Susan Knoblach, PhD
Director, Genomics Core Resource
Associate Professor of Genomics and Precision Medicine
George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences
Center for Genetic Medicine Research
Children’s National Research Institute/Children’s National Hospital
111 Michigan Avenue, NW
Washington D.C.  20010
Phone 202-476-6094
[email protected]